Creatures of Mercy
these lost desolate angels
creatures of mercy sent to kill
off what little life i still have
to live
i never wanted to be famous
or popular
but i also never wanted to feel
used and alone
i was born with the wrong spoon
in my mouth to have a say in any
of this shit
so, go work in a factory
bitch about the money
marry some fool that believes in love
have two kids for the tax breaks
find that perfect home in the suburbs
and become a fucking statistic
or keep thinking those poems you write
mean something to someone other than
either way, you will learn the hard way that
not every fucking soul gets to be remembered
or thought of kindly
the quicker you pick that up, the sooner you
can actually figure out that there is nothing
here you should ever give two shits about
go seek out the truth and be disappointed
that no one has any clue any longer that
such a thing even exists
All the While Sharpening the Knives
the subtle way she walks
into a room
takes you by surprise
imposing yet beautiful
you can’t imagine anything
but her from now on
elusive, hard to figure out
but she becomes the muse
the only one to get your jokes
the only one that listens to
your despairs
all the while sharpening the
knives because you never
know when they are needed
she doesn’t forget anything
but only remembers what
she wants
every male that has ever said
something stupid to someone
they love knows what that
i think the muse knows
i love her
i’m just not sure she’s
at the point where it
means something
to her
All the Signs are There
riding the waves of pain
like holding the sharpest knife
you can find in your teeth
she touches your hand and you feel
a fire you haven’t felt in thirty years
and at the oddest times
life will remind you
the only way out is to die
the left hip is bad, the back is worse
you’re starting to forget the simple
all the signs are there
so is the shotgun in the corner and
all the bottles that still need to be
finished off
none of the dreams ever come true
like you thought they would
still not smart enough to just accept
the wins
perfection is for the perfect ones
no one has ever mistaken you for that
she told you she loves you
you said it back as quickly as you could
that’s a start
As Cheap as Wine
the neon gods start laughing
you ever see a paisley rainbow
all the butterflies dancing
on the same beat
i can recall the days where the
drugs were as cheap as wine
of course, none of it ever
lasted long
my daydreams have become
purple nightmares where
my demons start to pity me
and think they no longer have
any use of my dysfunction
i’ve started another suicide
note, just in case
the calm before the storm
never comes anymore
the constant violence
of this life
as i ache myself to sleep
each night
i’m too old for this shit
scribbling down words
watching it all fade to a
dying blood on the page
of course, this could be
the gin talking
Bio: J.J. Campbell (1976 - ?) was raised by wolves yet managed to graduate high school with honors. He's been widely published over the years, most recently at Synchronized Chaos, Misfit Magazine, Disturb the Universe Magazine, Dumpster Fire Press and Lothlorien Poetry Journal. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, Evil Delights