Saturday, November 25, 2023

Four Poems by J.J Campbell

The Apartments Behind Us


a loud boom in the 

middle of the night


go check and see if 

your mother is still 

in bed


i checked there and 

she was snoring under 

three blankets


i went to the kitchen 

and everything looked 

like it did when i went 

to bed thirty minutes 



probably the apartments 

behind us


kids blowing up shit 

in the dumpster again


or the adults destroying 

shit before the cops 

show up



Most of Humanity


here come the holidays


never easy for those of us

that dislike most of humanity


thanksgiving is a quiet meal 

alone while watching football


and putting up the charlie brown 

christmas tree


no one ever said i couldn’t enjoy

my own kind of festive glee


turn on the lights that have been 

up since last christmas


and you wonder why there isn’t

a woman in the picture



Watching from the Corner


she had the eyes 

of some beautiful 

ancient creature


the kind that jim 

morrison would 

write poem after 

poem about


she saunters through 

the room, cigarette 

dangling, bottle of 

whiskey by her side


i was watching 

from the corner, 

as usual


made eye contact 

with this dream

and soon the bottle 

was empty


it was an old song 

from bowie that 

got us talking about 

all the memories of 

the club drugs back 

in the day


her lips tasted 

like regret


still asleep in my bed, 

left ass cheek poking 

out for some sun



Wallowing in the Facts


watching the fools 

dancing in the rain 


never remembering 

any time in my life

i was ever that free


i’m not seeking pity

only wallowing in 

the facts


the thing about 

loneliness is when

a bottle becomes 

a friend


a needle is 

a lost lover


the shotgun in 

the corner starts 

whispering sweet 

nothings in your 



when those are 

the only friends 

you have the end 

is nothing more 

than that


no tears


no remorse


no need for feelings


just sweet relief

Bio: J.J Campbell (1976-?) is trapped in the suburbs wondering where all the lonely housewives went. He's been widely published over the years, most recently at The Beatnik Cowboy, Horror Sleaze Trash, Synchronized Chaos, Disturb the Universe Magazine and The Rye Whiskey Review. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, Evil Delights

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